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2 Westminster Carpenters Found
Jovan-Rei C
Westminster, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Looking for work! Have certain set of skills
My name is Jovan-Rei Campos I am 17 years old, I live in Westminster, Colorado and I'm looking for work I just got out of a vocational/educa...
My name is Jovan-Rei Campos I am 17 years old, I live in Westminster, Colorado and I'm looking for work I just got out of a vocational/educational program called job corps I wasn't able to finish due to personal issues but I did earn my certificates. I've received my OSHA 10 General and OSHA Construction, also I have a certificate for Green House Building Training and Scaffoldi...
Dave V
Westminster, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Professional services from Designs to Turn Key
Colorado Designs, LLC is know for creating elegant master pieces. Davis's drive and passion for his work is easiliy recognizable. After st...
Colorado Designs, LLC is know for creating elegant master pieces. Davis's drive and passion for his work is easiliy recognizable. After studying construction management and being in the field for over 12 years he has started Colorado Designs,LLC
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