Find Carpenters in Boulder, Colorado
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3 Boulder Carpenters Found
Brandon N
Boulder, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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How's it going sir, I am currently living in the suburbs of Chicago
I have been doing side jobs with my dad since I was about 8 , I am really good with power tools and ext I am looking to start my career out...
I have been doing side jobs with my dad since I was about 8 , I am really good with power tools and ext I am looking to start my career out there cause I have buddies that live out there and I need a job as soon as I'd be out there
Corrado F
Boulder, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Excellent Carpenter
We do all from kitchen cabinet remodeling
Granit / Quarz counter too - tile - fence / Deck
Bathroom remodeling - Window - and more
We do all from kitchen cabinet remodeling
Granit / Quarz counter too - tile - fence / Deck
Bathroom remodeling - Window - and more
You ask , we do
reference available
Robbie M
Boulder, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Contemporary/Asian style Woodworking
I have recently moved from Santa Fe to Boulder. I'm a fine woodworker that specializes in custom shoji screens , cabinets , furniture, doors...
I have recently moved from Santa Fe to Boulder. I'm a fine woodworker that specializes in custom shoji screens , cabinets , furniture, doors , meditation spaces, garden bridges and other architectural elements for home or business. Check out my website:
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