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2 Westminster Carpenter Jobs Found
Karen B
Westminster, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Help a crazy cat lady build a Cat Coop!
I need a wooden cat enclosure built in my finished basement to house my two rowdy cats. I've seen things online but they are super expensiv...
I need a wooden cat enclosure built in my finished basement to house my two rowdy cats. I've seen things online but they are super expensive and look flimsy. I'm open to using a blueprint or your idea. I can buy and provide the wood and chicken wire if you can cut it to specs and assemble. Offering $75 an hour and an air conditioned basement. Thank you!
Ashton a
Westminster, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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hello my name is Ashton and I am building a conversion van.
hello my name is Ashton and I am building a conversion van. I need someone who has tools and has familiarity with wood work and laying floor...
hello my name is Ashton and I am building a conversion van. I need someone who has tools and has familiarity with wood work and laying flooring
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