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3 Merrillville Carpenters Found
Gerald Z
Merrillville, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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carpenter since 1979 in buisness since 1994 at Zeilenga Home Improvement
carpentry skills build decks install siding windows doors kithen remodeling basement remodeling and garages
carpentry skills build decks install siding windows doors kithen remodeling basement remodeling and garages
Joseph E
Merrillville, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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All around carpenter for hire.
I grew up in a house that was added onto since I was born. I was involved with this process as soon as I was able to use a hammer. I had hou...
I grew up in a house that was added onto since I was born. I was involved with this process as soon as I was able to use a hammer. I had house planning and construction in high school as well as building trades. Bad experiences with fly by night employers left me to seek alternate forms of employment. The jobs I held just so be, benefited from my knowledge of carpentry. I comp...
Joseph (Joe) E
Merrillville, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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All around carpenter ready to repair or rebuild
I come from a home that was added on to to make room for our large family. Growing up with seven older brothers meant that if you were going...
I come from a home that was added on to to make room for our large family. Growing up with seven older brothers meant that if you were going to get noticed you better bring some good to the table. Seeing several projects as a kid interested me in how things are put together. Not everything was finished by the time I was old enough to do my part. I had building trades and three...
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