Find Carpenters in Langford, British Columbia
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2 Langford Carpenters Found
Jon-Mark W
Langford, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
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Westshore Santa photos!
Santa Photos at the Westshore Town Centre located on Vancouver island in the province of British Columbia
Santa Photos at the Westshore Town Centre located on Vancouver island in the province of British Columbia
Justin G
Langford, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
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Padiwan For Hire
I have over a dozen years in wood framing custom homes and multi-family units. I can read prints well and lead many. I'm good at problem sol...
I have over a dozen years in wood framing custom homes and multi-family units. I can read prints well and lead many. I'm good at problem solving and forgiving mistakes, great to get along with and extremely reliable.
I have fall safe, boom ticket, license, reliable vehicle and I'm always working. I'm looking for a carrier with a stable company.
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