Find Carpenters in Texas City, Texas
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3 Texas City Carpenters Found
Kike P
Texas City, Texas
Active over a week ago
From 18.00/hour
Buenos días soy carpintero y ofresco mis servicios bendiciones
Servicios que brindo sería todo tipo de carpintería en general todo lo que tenga que ver con madera lo podemos fabricar nuevo pintar o resta...
Servicios que brindo sería todo tipo de carpintería en general todo lo que tenga que ver con madera lo podemos fabricar nuevo pintar o restaurar reparaciones y modificación gracias
Allen F
Texas City, Texas
Active over a week ago
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My name is Allen franklin and I’m offering you a full time hard working dedicated young man ready for work
I’m looking for to start and build my career into becoming a carpenter I’m currently enrolled at college of the mainland and I also work cur...
I’m looking for to start and build my career into becoming a carpenter I’m currently enrolled at college of the mainland and I also work currently at GBR Texas city chemical plants
Larry K
Texas City, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Hardworker that strives for excellence
I have a extensive background in all phases of construction, residential,commercial, and industrial. I've been doing construction for over 1...
I have a extensive background in all phases of construction, residential,commercial, and industrial. I've been doing construction for over 15 yrs. I'm motivated and dependable look to better my abilitys in all aspects.
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