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2 Rockville Carpenters Found
James L
Rockville, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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Magnificent skills and insight that will transfer your dreams into reality with woodworking projects
Yacht repairs on Teak, Mahogany interior and exterior finishes. Master carpenter with over 35 years experience for light framing and reside...
Yacht repairs on Teak, Mahogany interior and exterior finishes. Master carpenter with over 35 years experience for light framing and residential and commercial trim applications.
Matthew C
Rockville, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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I have a lot of experience in many different areas of rough and Finish carpentry.
I started doing carpentry in about 2004. Humping lumber doing demo work. But I'm a fast learner and naturally good with my hands. I was soon...
I started doing carpentry in about 2004. Humping lumber doing demo work. But I'm a fast learner and naturally good with my hands. I was soon cutting. Then framing. Eventually I was doing it all Roofing, Siding, finish work floors ,ext... I do my own work in Furniture building and restoration. I have all my own tools. I'm prepared and ready for my next role.
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