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3 Pasadena Carpenters Found
Bob L
Pasadena, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Build, Repair, Refinish & Restore Wooden Furnitureg
I have been building and refinishing furniture for the past 40 years. You can review pictures of furniture built, repaired and refinished a...
I have been building and refinishing furniture for the past 40 years. You can review pictures of furniture built, repaired and refinished at my website; My work area is the greater Houston/Galveston area. You can reach me at or (281) 21....
Richard M
Pasadena, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Got a picture or Idea I can Build it
Over 20 years experience in wood work from the foundation to the roof.
Framing to Sheet rock,install cabinets.
Trim to door installs.
Over 20 years experience in wood work from the foundation to the roof.
Framing to Sheet rock,install cabinets.
Trim to door installs.
Building walls and removing walls as well as hidden beams.
Bird houses to dog Houses to cat mansions.
No job to small.
You see it ,you want it,I'll build it just that simple.
Serving Harris County for 20 plus years and just for you!
Jesse J
Pasadena, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Hard worker and reliable
I have experience in this and will like to work with I am a very hard worker I am reliable and love my work
I have experience in this and will like to work with I am a very hard worker I am reliable and love my work
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