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The #1 way to hire a professional carpenter
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2 Delray Beach Carpenters Found
Timothy B
Delray Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Timothy Bell
Hard working carpenter,
Attention to detail, very good at trouble solving.
Stand behind my work,
Not in front!!
Hard working carpenter,
Attention to detail, very good at trouble solving.
Stand behind my work,
Not in front!!
Kenneth M
Delray Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Carpenter Apprentice
I am 19 years old, looking to further my education in the trade of carpentry. I have graduated from a trade school in Massachussetts for car...
I am 19 years old, looking to further my education in the trade of carpentry. I have graduated from a trade school in Massachussetts for carpentry, and worked for Mark Richey Woodworking for about a year and a half. I am still learning, but have a basic knowledge of many machines and tools used in the field. I do not have a car at the moment, but I can find a way to make it to...
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