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2 Chula Vista Carpenters Found
Sergio Arturo R
Chula Vista, California
Active over a week ago
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Hi, my name is Sergio Ruelas, I have intermediate framing knowledge, wood framing is my pasión, I have nevera work on framing before, but Iv...
Hi, my name is Sergio Ruelas, I have intermediate framing knowledge, wood framing is my pasión, I have nevera work on framing before, but Ive built and help build some houses, incluiding mine, I also have basic floiring, framing, drywall, painting, plumbing knowledge, I really construction and I want to learn more and be useful and share my skills with you. You can contact by e...
Jorge T
Chula Vista, California
Active over a week ago
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Finish carpenter
I'm install Mouldings
Doors exteriors ,interiors hardware, metal doors flooring
Cabinets,stairs,comercial hardware residential hardware
I'm install Mouldings
Doors exteriors ,interiors hardware, metal doors flooring
Cabinets,stairs,comercial hardware residential hardware
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