Find Carpenter Jobs in Marietta, Georgia
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4 Marietta Carpenter Jobs Found
Casey J
Marietta, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
I own a remodeling business in Marietta. I need to find a reliable carpenter for various ongoing jobs in my local area.
Looking for someone who has skills in areas such as installing T&G ceilings, Deck remediation & repairs, basic remodel framing, millwork, ha...
Looking for someone who has skills in areas such as installing T&G ceilings, Deck remediation & repairs, basic remodel framing, millwork, hanging Hardie backer etc. Ongoing opportunities available, but I have 2 jobs over the next 2-3 weeks I need immediate help.
Trish J
Marietta, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Bay window seat
I want to turn my bay window in the kitchen into my main seating/eating area. I have a photo of what I am looking for
I want to turn my bay window in the kitchen into my main seating/eating area. I have a photo of what I am looking for
Zach T
Marietta, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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New Window, Custom Draw and More
We need a carpenter to help with a number of improvements including a new window, custom drawer, warped deck boards, and stuck pocket draw.
We need a carpenter to help with a number of improvements including a new window, custom drawer, warped deck boards, and stuck pocket draw.
Raymond R
Marietta, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Need a expereinced deck person to help frame a deck
I need a carpenter with tools that can help me frame a large deck. I will lay decking boards and rails myself. I will pay cash at the end...
I need a carpenter with tools that can help me frame a large deck. I will lay decking boards and rails myself. I will pay cash at the end of each day. I live in East Cobb.
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