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3 Kingman Carpenter Jobs Found
Shannon A
Kingman, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Disabled senior needs help.
I have a drive under carport with 2 supporting beams. Had a senior moment and hit the corner beam which knocked it off base and split it sin...
I have a drive under carport with 2 supporting beams. Had a senior moment and hit the corner beam which knocked it off base and split it since it's 70 year old wood. Need to be replaces since it's a corner supporting beam which is standing on an angle right now.
Please help. Thank you. If this isn't your area please refer me to someone who will do this.
Kathleen S
Kingman, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Homeowner ready to start project!
We would like to partially enclose our back patio. This would require framing 2 walls with 1 window in each wall.
We would like to partially enclose our back patio. This would require framing 2 walls with 1 window in each wall.
Joe C
Kingman, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Skilled framer
My name is Joseph Crippen i am looking for a skilled framer to help me build a 20 x 30 structure east of Kingman AZ
My name is Joseph Crippen i am looking for a skilled framer to help me build a 20 x 30 structure east of Kingman AZ
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